What is Sound Therapy?
When body parts, organs and systems are healthy, they create a natural resonant frequency in harmony with the entire body. When the vibration of a part of the body is out of harmony, we have a condition that could eventually lead to disease. When sound is projected into this area, correct harmonic patterns are restored.
Why Crystal Bowls?
Pure Quartz Crystal bowls have been used in healing, balance and restoration modalities since the 1980's. Music and sound used as a healing tool is deeply rooted in ancient cultures and civilizations. By simply listening to the rich, pure, vibrant tone of a bowl, most people find them deeply relaxing, rejuvenating, even stirring of deep emotions and states of well being.
Our bodies are crystalline in structure. When working with crystals (like the quartz crystals in the bowls), there may be profound effects on the organs, tissues, and cells, as well as the circulatory, endocrine, and metabolic systems. When thought energy interacts with a crystal, those thoughts are changed to more harmonic forms, which change brainwave frequencies, showing possible alterations in consciousness. Thus, the power of positive intention or affirmation combined with the use of crystals provides remarkable healing results.
Open to a new understanding
For many, Sound Therapy can seem otherworldly and mystic. Sound therapy and the effects of Crystal Bowls are based in the science of the human molecular structure and the physics of vibration and sound waves.
In this workshop you will learn the basic history, science and how it relates to the human bio energetic fields (chakras). We will review methods for playing and you will participate in a Sound Healing experience.
What is Sound Healing?
Physics of Vibration
Subtle Bodies
Sound Healing Experience
There will be time for clarification and discussion about the experience. Dress for comfort. Pillows blankets, bolsters are provided. Chairs will be available if sitting on the floor is not the most comfortable option for you.
Introduction to
Sound Therapy & Crystal Bowls Workshop
Private / $350
Grp 2-4 / $400
Grp 5-8 / $500
We offer this two hour private workshop for individuals or small groups. The workshops are a perfect event with family, friends or corporate team building and wellness. All pricing is on-site. For a customized workshop in a setting of your choice please contact me.
jan@brightinnerlight.com \\ Tel: 858-997-6377