Sound Therapy and Light Healing focus on the vibrational frequencies of your being to help cleanse and realign energy. These modalities can be used as overall restoration and rejuvenation techniques or can be very be specific in their intent. We meet you wherever you are in your path and will create a personalized approach.
Sound Therapy
This experience is extremely soothing and can easily bring you into a very deep state of relaxation akin to meditation. It’s in this insightful state where positive change happens both physically and mentally. We make note of what is out of balance to bring you toward a place of harmony. Sound frees the pathway to the bright forth the light within you.
Light Healing
A Light Healing session is an excellent way to release blocks and unwanted energies from your aura, it helps to resolve imbalances and get your positive energy flowing. Light Healing is the transfer of non-physical spiritual energy, the power behind, sustaining physical life. It is also referred to as spiritual healing, energy healing, chakra healing, or psychic healing.
Opening Workshops
In our everyday lives we can become caught in a pattern of unhealthy thought and behavior. These can negatively affect us both mentally and physically. We feel like there must be a better way but the path of mindfulness and vitality can feel daunting. The Bright Inner Light Opening Workshops have been crafted to meet you at the beginning of your path to help take the first step.